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Dear Internet user,

Because the world is plural, heterogeneous, often disconcerting but rich in potential, I believe in the importance of confronting sensitivities and knowledge, of mixing disciplines which do not usually come together, of making people coexist (in a form accessible) a little science and technology with subjects on art and others linked to the question of life. I also believe in exchanges and sharing. It is for these reasons that, alongside my profession as a software engineer, I set up the site with the help of my psychologist partner and a journalist friend.

Via, we offer a platform for cultural chronicles dealing with the arts, humanities, science/technology, ecology and global warming. If you are interested in publishing articles on these topics, please contact us! The publication of your articles on is completely free.

A few words about the site's privacy policy. The site is hosted on the platform; the site therefore inherits the platform's confidentiality policy. You have control over your navigation by configuring cookies (bottom left) according to your preferences.

We are a cultural information site, we do not sell any products or services.


David Moreno

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